Not currently running due to Covid

At Melbourne Infant School our School Council represent the views of our pupils. It gives children the opportunity to make the child’s voice heard and feel part of the whole school community. They are involved in a wide range of projects to help improve our school and the wider community.

During the last few years, School Council has been involved in a variety of activities and projects, such as designing the school logo; designing the tyre park; choosing the new playground markings and helping to paint them; and refurbishing the toilets. School Council run fundraising projects each year, raising funds for projects in our school, or to help others outside of our community. For example, a local school suffered severe flood damage, and the School Council held a book sale, donating books and raising money for new books for their library.

In the Autumn term, children will learn about the skills needed to be a good School Ambassador, and how the election process works. Each Key Stage one class elect two School Ambassadors who become the members of the School Council - one boy and one girl. Children self-elect themselves, doing a short presentation to their class highlighting what would make them a good School Ambassador. Then a private vote takes place within class to elect their members, teaching children the democratic process of an election. School Council meet once a fortnight with Mrs McDonald.

The School Ambassadors are involved in the interview process for new members of Senior Leadership. They also have meetings with School Governors to discuss aspects of school life. The School Ambassadors welcome visitors into classes, and help with tours of the school towards the end of the academic year.