The school day operates from 8.45am - 3.20pm. The children have a morning break and lunch break during the day. The total hours for the week is 32 hours and 55 minutes. 

The Melbourne Infant Curriculum

Please see the documents below for our Curriculum Statement and our curriculum. If you would like further information about our curriculum please contact Mrs Gibbs.

Curriculum Information

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Organisation of the Classes in school.

The school currently has five classes. Two Reception and Year 1 classes – Dragonfly Class and Seahorse Class, three Year 1 and Year 2 classes – Salamander Class, Hummingbird Class and Chameleon Class.

The organisation is reviewed annually and this is very much dependent on the number of children on roll during any one year.


All Reception children spend their mornings together in the Reception unit.

The classes have daily teaching sessions with their class teacher. The morning sessions include skills based sessions in Literacy, Mathematics and Phonics.

The children have periods of continuous provision, with access to the whole Reception unit for a range of open-ended, self-selected, play-based opportunities covering all areas of the Early Years curriculum. The Foundation Stage has its own purpose-built outdoor area which is accessible to all children for sessions during the day. Children will also be involved in directed group work activities throughout the week.

In the afternoon, the teaching focus is linked to the termly topic and will be based on Knowledge and Understanding of the World and Creative Development.

Children are involved in two PE sessions a week, and after the Autumn term, attend some whole school assemblies each week.

Each day is brought to a close with a story and singing session before home time.


The morning sessions for Year 1 and Year 2 children, include English and Mathematical teaching and activities. Children work in mixed ability groupings and teaching is differentiated to meet the needs of all children. All children participate in a phonic session daily from Monday to Friday of 25 minutes (Please see the phonic page for more information).

The afternoon sessions encompass all other subject areas in our ‘Creative Curriculum.’ This means that children will not have separate subject lessons for science, humanities, art and design technology, but rather that they will take part in more topic based activities which incorporate key skills and knowledge in learning across the curriculum. This enables the children to develop independent skills which they can apply to any activity rather than focussing on separate skills for separate subjects. Children do however still receive separate lessons in Music, P.H.S.C.E., P.E, Computing and R.E.


Reception Curriculum Documents - Dragonfly and Seahorse Class (Reception)

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Year 1 Curriculum Documents - Salamander and Hummingbird Classes (Year 1)

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Year 2 Curriculum Documents - Chameleon and Narwhal Classes (Year 2)

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