Mrs Gibbs

Mrs Gibbs

Headteacher & Hummingbird Class Teacher

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in our school website and hope that you find the information included of interest.

As a good school we believe very much in enabling children with opportunities to learn through first hand, practical experiences which are meaningful and most of all fun!

We offer a high standard of education and are committed to providing all the children with the best possible start to their educational careers.  We have a committed staff and governing body who work together to ensure the best possible outcomes for all the children.  We pride ourselves in the happy and secure environment we provide and are proud of the achievements of all the children.

As a school we believe very much in the development of the whole child and our SHINE Times play an important role in the development work of the school by sharing with staff the views of the children in school.

The school has an active Parent Teacher Association who organise regular events for the children which include school discos, Christmas and Easter Fairs and cake sales.  We are fortunate to have such a committed team of parents and the funds raised have been invaluable in providing a variety of resources throughout the school. 

We hope you enjoy viewing our website and if you have any questions or queries or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school on 01332 862325, where you should ask for Mrs Charlotte Gibbs (Headteacher) or the School Business Manager. 

Should you require a paper copy of information on our website, please contact the school office.