Applying for a Reception place at Melbourne Infant School 

The planned admissions level for our Reception classes is 60. We admit children into school in September which is in line with Derbyshire County Council Admissions procedure.

There is a co-ordinated scheme for admission to Primary Schools in Derbyshire which is run by the Derbyshire County Council. It is a requirement that parents/carers apply directly to their Local Authority for a place. As a school we follow the admission criteria for Derbyshire County Council.  The Derbyshire County Council Admissions website can be found here:

Please see our Starting School at MIS website page for further information. 

Apply for a Place

Mid-Year Admissions

Should your child already be in full time education and you are looking to move him/ her to Melbourne Infant School, it is a requirement that parents/carers apply directly to the Local Authority where you live. The school’s Local Authority will then be contacted and your application will be considered as an in-year application.

Transfer to Junior School

The children in Year 2 leave our school in July each year ready to transfer to a Junior School in September. This is usually Melbourne Junior School. The same admission arrangements apply. We will provide all parents of children in Year 2 with the relevant information at the necessary time.

Melbourne Infant School works closely with Melbourne Junior School to ensure the transition from Year 2 to Year 3 runs smoothly and that the children feel safe and secure in their new school.

Please note that if your child is at Melbourne Infant School, this does not give an automatic right to a place at Melbourne Junior School. Parents must follow the procedure as outlined above.