What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium is a Government fund given to schools for eligible pupils; to ensure that all children have an equal opportunity to learn and succeed. Schools are given £1320 for each eligible pupil. 

What is Pupil Premium used for?

This extra funding allows us to provide additional staff and resources, bringing learning benefits to eligible pupils as well as all children throughout the school. It is also used to subsidise after school clubs (1 full term each year for each eligible child), school trips, school uniform, specific interventions and staff training. The named governor who overseas the Pupil Premium funding is Revd Steve Short. 

What are the new eligibility criteria?
Children are entitled to receive free school meals if their parents or guardians receive any of the benefits below:
•    Universal Credit, provided they have a net earned income not exceeding £7,400 per year (£616.67 per month).  This applies in each monthly assessment period so temporary drops to low income may mean you qualify but you must claim at the time.
•    Income Support
•    Income based jobseekers allowance
•    Income related Employment and Support Allowance
•    Support under Part 6 of the immigration and asylum act 1999
•    Guarantee Pension Credit
•    Child Tax Credit, provided there is no entitlement to Working Tax Credit and the annual gross income is less than £16190 as assessed by HMRC

I am already getting free school meals – do I need to reapply?
No. If you already have free school meals for your child you will now continue to receive them until at least the end of March 2022.  Your child will continue to receive free school meals even if your income increases to above the threshold or you stop being entitled to a qualifying benefit.  After March 2022 your child will continue to receive free school meals until the end of the stage of education they are in at that time.  This means that a child who qualifies in reception will continue to qualify to the end of year six and children now in year 4 will continue to qualify until the end of secondary education.

Is it too late to claim under the old rules?
No.  If, for example, you are getting Child Tax Credit and your income drops you will still be able to make a claim for free school meals under the child tax credit qualifying condition - seek advice if you think your income is below £16190 but you are told you are not entitled (see below). If you are getting another income-based benefit (JSA, ESA, Income Support or Pension Credit) then you already qualify and should make a claim.

How do I claim?
You can apply online here: Free school meals and Pupil Premium funding - Derbyshire County Council 

My child is in KS1 and gets free meals anyway/ my child prefers packed lunches – why should I claim under this scheme?
Universal free school meals end after year 2.  Entitlement to Free School Meals will continue until at least the end of primary education and maybe to the end of secondary school (that’s at least 4 extra years of free school meals - £1600)

You don’t just get free meals.  If your child qualifies for free school meals then the school gets additional funding that directly benefits your child.  This is called the pupil premium.  You can look on the school’s website for more information about how this is used.  The pupil premium will continue for as long as the free school meals and beyond.  Your child will benefit from the claim even if they have universal free school meals or packed lunches.

I don’t have any qualifying benefits and don’t know if I can apply
If you would like more advice and information about the benefits you may be entitled to and how to claim you can contact the Derbyshire County Council Benefits Helpline on 01629 531535 or email welfare.benefits@derbyshire.gov.uk.  Alternatively, you can ask at the school office for more information and a benefit check sheet or visit the website at www.derbyshire.gov.uk/welfarebenefits

Pupil Premium

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