Welcome to the Melbourne Infant School website on behalf of the Governing Body.

We would like to start by saying how very proud we are of the school and all that the children, staff, Governors and families achieve in working together.

As a Governing Body we have a very important role to play in working with the Headteacher to lead the direction of the school into the future.

Our roles include;

  • Developing a shared ethos and creating a clear vision for the school.
  • Being involved in the strategic and financial planning of the school.
  • Acting as a critical friend to the Headteacher
  • Being accountable by evaluating the success of the school.

Our Governing Body is made up of Staff, Parents, Local Authority and Community representatives.

Should you wish to find out more information about our Governing Body, we can be contacted via the school.


Yours sincerely,

Chris Lancaster and Katrina Woodward

Co-Chair of Governors


Meet our Governors


Charlotte Gibbs

Charlotte Gibbs


Liz Fletcher

Liz Fletcher

Staff Governor

Kathryn Fletcher

Kathryn Fletcher

Clerk to Governors

Sarah Butler

Sarah Butler

Co-opted Governor, Vice Chair of Governing Board

Chris Lancaster

Chris Lancaster

Co-opted Governor, Co-Chair of Governors

Katrina Woodward

Katrina Woodward

Co-Chair of Governors - Co-opted Governor

Lindsey Brown

Lindsey Brown

Parent Governor

Oliver Mathias

Oliver Mathias

Co-opted Governor, Chair of Resources

Emma Hill

Emma Hill

Parent Governor

Lee Mather

Lee Mather

Parent Governor, Chair of Teaching & Learning committee

Fran Bonner

Fran Bonner

Co-opted Governor



Governors Information

Updated: 09/01/2025 150 KB


The governing board of Melbourne Infant School recognise the importance of having a board which is reflective of our local community.  We believe this is important, because recognising and valuing diversity helps us to improve our school and reflects the needs of everyone in our school community. 

Data on the diversity of the board (including data on age, gender and ethnicity) has been collected to inform recruitment and training needs, and to ensure diversity in the board.  Due to our relatively small governing board size, for the protection of personal data of governors, this data will not be published online as individual governors could be identified from the data provided.