We are delighted that you and your child(ren) will be joining Melbourne Infant School this coming September.  On behalf of the staff, governors, children and parents, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you and your family to our school.

Starting school is a key milestone in your child’s life, and we are here to support you!  This page has lots of useful information to help you, and your child(ren) prepare to start school.

So that we have everything we need to welcome you and your child(ren) into school, we require parents/carers to complete some key paperwork by Friday 24th May 2024.  The majority of this can be done online.  Details of what we need you to complete, and how to do this, are below.


1) Please read the following essential documents; all available below:


  • Home School agreement;
  • Online Safety and Digital Technologies document;
  • Upcoming transitional events and activities – there are some important dates for your diary in this document and the opportunity for you to let us know if you have any preference for dates for a school visit

New Starters to School - September 2024

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2) Please complete our online Admissions form:




The online Admissions form will provide us with all of the details that we need in order for your child to start school with us in September 2024.  The form will take around 20 minutes to complete.

3) Please complete the online application for Pupil Premium Funding:




This online form will allow Derbyshire County Council to check your eligibility for pupil premium funding (additional funding for pupils to support their education). Even if you don't believe that you are eligible, please do complete the form which will only take a few moments to complete.


4) Bring in your child’s birth certificate and a document to verify your address into the school office:


We will need to see your child’s birth certificate and a document to verify your address such as a utility bill / council tax statement (dated within the last 3 months). Our school office is open during term time from Monday to Friday from 9am – 3pm (or until 4.30pm on Wednesdays and Fridays).


5) And of course: please talk to your child about starting school and let them know how excited we are to have them starting with us! There is a lot of useful information on school readiness on this page of our website.


You may have questions about your child starting school, and the most frequently asked questions can be found on the FAQ document, which follows below.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Melbourne Infant School community very soon.


Starting School - Useful Documents

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Updated: 10/11/2020 1.25 MB
Updated: 10/11/2020 651 KB
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